Co-sleeping (Bed-sharing) Image Archive
Co-sleeping (Bed-sharing) Image Archive

What is the Co-sleeping Image Archive?
The Co-sleeping Image Archive is a repository of images depicting safer co-sleeping/bed-sharing that are intended for use by media, businesses and health care practitioners to illustrate co-sleeping stories and situations. We offer most images in three sizes: high, medium and low resolution.
Many depictions of bed-sharing/co-sleeping used in the media and advertising (and even respected medical journals) illustrate hazardous practices. All of the images here have been chosen to illustrate safer bed-sharing/co-sleeping arrangements. Most parents find that they might sometimes bring their baby into bed, and this is particularly common for breastfeeding mothers, so it is important for parents to be familiar with safer bed-sharing practices. One way to increase familiarity is to avoid using photos in the public domain that perpetuate scenarios known to be hazardous (such as babies sleeping with a parent on a sofa, on pillows, face down, or with heavy bed-coverings). Remember that bed-sharing is associated with an increased chance of SIDS or accidents if you have taken drugs or alcohol, are a smoker, or have a premature baby. Also note that it can be unsafe for a baby’s head to rest on the mother’s arm before 3 months when they have strong head control. Prior to this age the baby’s head can slip into a position where their neck is bent and their airways are compressed causing suffocation..